Moon Phase for today: Jan 29, 2025
Today's New Moon Phase
The New Moon on January 29 has an illumination of 0%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The illumination is constantly changing and can vary up to 10% a day. On January 29 the Moon is 0.22 days old. This refers to how many days it has been since the last New Moon. It takes 29.53 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth and go through the lunar cycle of all 8 Moon phases.
Today's Moon Sign: ♒ Aquarius
The current zodiac moon sign is Aquarius, positioned at 15.72° within the sign. The Moon entered Aquarius on Jan 28, 8:53 AM and will shift into Pisces on Jan 30, 12:08 PM. The zodiac moon sign represents the position of the Moon as it moves through the twelve signs of the zodiac. Each zodiac moon sign lasts about 2 to 2.5 days as the Moon travels through that part of the sky.
Get your 2025 Moon Phases Calendar in person at Brewed Gems Store in Foley, MN to see all the daily moon phase for this year.
Crystals to work with during the new moon phase
The Best Crystals for the New Moon
Black Obsidian :: This stone has a reflective energy, almost like a mirror. By prompting a deeper sense of reflection within you, it helps you to achieve a clear state. It guides you to discover exactly what it is you want to seed for the month ahead so you know where to focus your energy.
Labradorite :: When you are looking for a stone to bring in the energy of magic, look no further than Labradorite. The flashes of light within this stone remind you that even during times of darkness, like the new moon period, there is always light to be found. Use this stone to discover the opportunity and possibilities that surround you, and direct the stone’s magical energy toward your intentions.
Other Crystals for the New Moon
- Tourmalinated Quartz
- Clear Quartz (for energetic cleansing)
- Indigo Gabbro (for connecting to new moon energy, planting seeds, and clear intention setting)
- Moonstone (for tapping into lunar energies)
- Fluorite, Clear Quartz, and Aragonite (for protection and wisdom during times of change)
Setting New Moon Intentions
The new moon allows you to design the energetic plan for what you are going to seed for the upcoming days. It’s your blueprint, gameplay, and outline – something that gives your goals structure and foundation but is not so locked in that it cannot expand, grow, or be added to.
The best way to set yourself up for success on the new moon is to choose one intention, goal, or wish and stick to it throughout the entire moon cycle. By focusing your energy on one intention, you can expand your intention over the course of the cycle.
When setting intentions on the new moon, how you form your intention is just as important as what the content of your intention is. It is important to include language that your goal or something better materializes so you keep the door open to the possibilities around you and whatever the universe has in store.
It's also important to form an intention that treats your goal as if it has already manifested. The whole energy of the new moon is creating something on a level of certainty that your intention is happening, it’s actualized, and it’s a done deal. When crafting your intention, remember to bring in the positive energy that everything is lining up for you NOW.
Once you’ve decided on your intention, write your intention down 108 times. This number is connected to the energy of the moon, as well as the energy of completion. By writing your intention down 108 times, you can also reprogram your entire being with the energy of your intention through the repetition of writing it down.